MDM Honduras

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MDM Honduras Update #2

Founders pondering — Jim & Ouida Phillips “Prayer is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessing.” ~ Saint John Chrysostom Chairman’s Desk…

MDM round logo graphic

MDM Honduras Update

Founders Prayer — Jim & Ouida Phillips “In this time of crisis may the peace of the Lord be with you, may you have discernment,…

medical mission team performing surgery

Medical Team Movie May 2017

Ouida and I celebrate 20 years of facilitating mission teams to Honduras. Thanks be to God. These teams have God gifted doctors, nurses and other…

4 young children and mission team member

Mountain Team Movie May 2017

Ouida and I celebrate 20 years of facilitating mission teams to Honduras. Thanks be to God. It is God that moves the mountain…BUT He used…