Spiritual Growth
We recognize our God-given opportunity and responsibility to nurture our children with Bible principles and eternal spiritual values. So their lives and their families can be transformed by the power of God’s Word.
Our primary goal is to cultivate and establish a foundation for a life-transforming experience for children, teenagers, and families involved in this ministry. All with the goal of that transformation spreading to other families and impacting the wider community.
students in Bible classes
tutors in Bible study
mothers participating in workshops for parents
home visits yearly
Program introduction
Through the Education, Community Health and Economic Development programs we are making real and significant change possible for those who live in the San Matias area. Helping them be healthier and have better lives both today. As well as building a foundation for a more successful tomorrow for the next generations. It’s a tangible way of showing and sharing God’s love.
Another way of sharing and showing God’s love is by helping the children and families in the San Matias area grow spiritually.
The Spiritual Development Program is an important part of our work with students. The goal is edify and provide the seeds of life transformation for children, adolescents, and young adults. Ultimately for families in the whole community.

Spiritual Development Program:
- Integral Christian Education: Get to know who God is, His salvation plan for our lives.
- Formation in Values and Principles as a life style.
- Getting involved in Community Outreach as an expression of God’s love for our neighbor.
- Spiritual and Family guidance to staff and tutors seeking to stimulate their spiritual growth, good family communication, good stewardship; and also, the development of their gifts and talents in order to achieve their personal goals.
- Workshops for parents:
- Advice on Education: How to get involved in their children’s education and learning experience.
- Family Guidance: Learning the art of having a Good communication with their children.
- Personal or Family Counseling: The role of the parents, and the children in their family life.
- Discipleship training for young adults. Some of the topics:
- The Fundamentals of the Christian Faith
- The life of biblical characters like David, Daniel, Joseph…
Support spiritual growth in the San Matías villages:
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When you give to our Scholarship fund, you’re also supporting all elementary and high school students’ weekly Spiritual formation classes.
Scholarship fund donation:
Latest Spiritual Growth Posts
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 NIV