Lynda & Barry Sorrells

Summer Update

Grace and peace to you. Our MDM summer teams did building projects, medical clinics, outreach to take food and Bibles to families, and ministered to the staff and children – all to the glory of God! But as the Word says, to everything there is a season; a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.

We celebrate how team members faithfully demonstrated the love of Christ, but this is also a season of mourning for the loss of our dear friend, Dr. Barry Sorrells, one of the founders of Operation New Life. Dr. Sorrells and his wife Lynda worked tirelessly in the hospitals of Tegucigalpa for years, but they did not limit themselves. They – and their family – also put in many, many hours on the mountain… all to the glory of God!

May this be our refrain, that whatsoever we do, we do to the glory of God. Amen.