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MDM Leadership Team Update #8

Greetings again from the MDM Leadership Team. It is hard to believe that Honduras reported its first COVID-19 case on March 10th and has been in various stages of lockdown for 100 days now. They are just now hitting their peak as the United States is beginning its second wave. Before we share the PRAYER FOCUS portion of our update, might we offer some praise and thanksgiving to God for three groups of our NON-MEDICAL COVID-19 HEROES.

  • First, our MDM Honduran staff on the mountain, led by Roxana and featured in the following video. Roxana, and her team, walk miles and miles in the heat of the day over all sorts of mountain terrain to deliver much-needed food to our students and their families. Her visits include the villages of Mulular and Recisapa, in addition to our community of San Matias.


  • Second, our ten University students, who, despite the closing of universities and schools, have continued attending classes online. They have disciplined themselves to study and to make their way to the MDM Learning Center (sometimes walking miles) to meet up with Roxana and her team for internet access. They have finished their first semester!!!
  • Third, our faithful ministry partners, Legacy Partners, MDM Child sponsors, and MDM COVID-19 Response Fund donors, whose prayers and financial support are ensuring the continuation of essential ministry.

    We have been prayerful that this “COVID” thing would have run its course by now, and we could be on our way back to “normal.” Of course, this is not the case. In fact, as we interact with ministry leaders from across the world, the general sentiment is to expect our current circumstance to last well into 2021.

    So, thank you to those who have given specifically toward helping us navigate the COVID-19 situation! Should you find a nudge in your heart to give (or give again), would you prayerfully consider clicking on the link above and helping us minister during this time of great need?

Prayer Focus

  • All the healthcare professionals on the front line in Honduras, especially our own Gisella Diaz and Ivette Rosales, and others around the world, as they begin to battle the second wave.
  • Our leadership team as we navigate the next 18 months.
  • Wes Jones and Dixie Rosales as they develop our upcoming Virtual Mission Trip experience.

Be on the lookout for more about the Virtual Mission Trips in the coming weeks.


“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:3-5