MDM Leadership Team Update #4
Greetings once again from the MDM Honduras leadership team. As we wrap up the 6th week of quarantine, most of us are ready to be back to some form of normalcy, even though we realize there will likely be a “new normal” for each of us.
The CDC reported this week that the USA has exceeded 1 million cases of COVID-19 with almost 63,000 deaths. Many cities and states are reporting a decrease in the number of new cases and a few states are “opening back up”. However, in Honduras, the numbers continue to rise. There have been 771 cases reported to date with 71 deaths. The Honduran government is under extreme pressure by businesses and by the populace to open back up.
As we mentioned in our previous report, citizens are allowed minimal time to be out of their homes. This is difficult for families as well as for businesses; specifically for the micro and small businesses, where in most cases it’s an entrepreneur effort by an individual or a family group.

In the village of San Matias, there are no reported cases of COVID-19 however, our families are definitely feeling the disrupted effects of the seven-week lockdown (in Honduras).
Our tutors, led by Roxana, have been visiting and checking in on the children/ families that are part of MDM. We want to make sure that those families are cared for during this time. The feedback we’re getting from families shows a greater need for securing access to food and medicine. Despite having mobility limitations, the leadership in Honduras is working on ways to minister to those needs, as we realize pressing needs like these won’t wait until the health crisis is over.
In a recent conversation between Dixie and Roxana regarding the coordination of assistance to our children and their families, Roxana expressed “You can count on this group [volunteer tutors] to help in any possible way, we have the disposition, the desire, and the love to do it.” What a blessing to work alongside this committed group, watching out for the families in their community.
In the coming days, we will be focusing on raising additional funds to offset our ministry shortfall and to help purchase food and medications for those children and families in need. Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Honduras and if you feel led to give.
“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:3-5