delivering food supplies to family

MDM Leadership Team Update #10

Greetings from the MDM Honduras leadership team. We are humbled and thankful for each of your donations. Here is our 10th MDM Update, and just like the others, it is a testimony of God’s Grace.

Last week our ministry team made their third food distribution. They distributed food to 60 families in the villages of Las Castro, Macuelizo, La Lagunita, Ocote Vuelto, Los Planchones, and Rincón de Dolores.

As the ministry team completed this food distribution, they had shared food and the Gospel with 215 families on the mountain.

As you watch the following video, you will see your faithfulness as a ministry partner, as well as a picture of God’s Amazing Grace. From the depths of our heart, we say “Thank You” for your prayers and financial support.


“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:3-5