mission team members and Bill Roy

Forever grateful to our dear friend and partner Bill Roy.

Bill Roy was a faithful minister partner and a dear friend to all at MDM Honduras. As the Vice-Chairman of the Board, we were richly blessed by his leadership, love, and passion that God saw fit to bring into MDM Honduras and into the lives of all those who had the opportunity to meet him.

Bill Roy
Bill Roy 1969-2022

Bill Roy’s impact in his years on this earth was so widespread and generous in many ways that nobody can deny the true nature of his heart and mission: a passionate servant, near to the needy, with a contagious and compelling love for MDM Honduras that everyone couldn’t help but want to know more and get involved.

God had a plan for his life that we may not be able to understand why he left,
but boy did he make an impact in his years on this earth.
Derick & Grace Roy (Bill’s children)

Bill Roy and mission team members at airport
Bill Roy (center) and a Mission Team at Toncontin International Airport, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

As a long-time Legacy Partner and board member, Bill participated in many projects dedicated to transforming the lives of many families on The Mountain. This legacy is now extended through his children, who wish to honor his father’s life-long accomplishments and his constant desire to bless others and build a ministry in Honduras.

“We also ask that as a family we accomplish a task my father always set out to accomplish throughout his life, building the ministry in Honduras.
We ask that instead of flowers or any other gifts, that you contribute that little bit of money to MDM Honduras. I want to give my dad another opportunity to continue to touch people in this life.”
Derrick & Grace Roy (Bill’s children).

Please join us as we pray for his friends, Hope Community Church Raleigh Campus, MDM Honduras organization and supporters, and most especially his family, who will greatly feel his absence.

mission team members and Bill Roy
“I am devastated that my friend is gone” -Conrado Mendez

“So with you: Now is your time of grief,
but I will see you again and you will rejoice,
and no one will take away your joy.”

John 16:22

If you’d like to participate in honoring Bill’s legacy at MDM Honduras by contributing to extend his accomplishments, you can become a sponsor, or ministry partner, or visit https://mdmhonduras.org/donations/ for general donations.