MDM May Update
Greetings from the MDM Honduras leadership team. COVID-19 continues to offer us many challenges, the image below captures the reality of the current situation for MDM. BUT as the saying goes “We have some GOOD NEWS and some BAD NEWS!”

From Dixie Rosales – President
“Good News”
MDM has grown from nine children to 200 children in our program, from one ministry site to three. Thanks be to God.
“Bad News”
We have 29 children that still need sponsors, and we can not expand in 2022 until we get these children sponsored.
“Good News”
God can use you. For less than $1.65 a day, you can transform the life of a child, their family, and their community. Contact Wes Jones at [email protected] for more information or go to to sponsor a child.
Even in the midst of a pandemic, God continues to make a way for His people to carry out the “Great Commission” to love God and our neighbors and the “Great Commission” to make disciples. June is playing out to be a busy month for MDM as we host two Virtual Reunions with sponsors and past teams and two Virtual Mission Trips, one from IA and one from MS. These virtual trips will build houses, pour concrete floors, and do community outreach. Plans are also underway for additional Virtual Mission Trips and Virtual Reunions in the coming months.
For information on how your church, Sunday School class, or organization can get involved, contact: Jim Phillips 501-765-8477 or [email protected]
If you would consider being part of our COVID-19 relief efforts, click here:
MDM COVID-19 Response Fund
You can also pay by check: MDM Honduras
PO Box 164660, Little Rock, AR 72216
“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:3-5