MDM April Update
Greetings from the MDM Honduras leadership team. COVID-19 continues to offer us many challenges, but we are off to a great start for 2021. We are thankful to God for Dixie, Francisco, Juvenal, and the team on the mountain. They continue to lead fearlessly as we navigate theses challenges.
We are excited to share a few quick updates about about the startup of 2021, but first, here is a message from our MDM president, Dixie Rosales.
Even though the Honduras Minister of Education continues their 2020 policy of distance learning for our students, MDM Honduras was excited to open its Learning Center campus to supplement the core subjects with our children. We are completing our first 90 days and are pleased to announce that two weeks ago we added our High School and College students to our schedule at the Learning Center.
We have added 30 new students to the program this year and we have 20 or more that need sponsors. Contact Wes Jones at [email protected] for more information or go to to sponsor a child.
Thanks be to God and our generous ministry partners for supporting our continuing COVID-19 Response Strategy. During the first four months of this year we have helped 175 families in 11 of our communities, as well as donating medications for children and adult medication to our local Health Center. We are planning another outreach to 200 families in the next few days. Be on the lookout for pictures and video in our next update.
“I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1:3-5