Help for raising support
Raising Support For A Missions Experience with MDM Honduras
We praise God for challenging you to join MDM Honduras on a cross-cultural, inter-faith experience. You will be a blessing to many people as God uses you to demonstrate the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the process, God will also bless you.
God provides resources in many different ways. For some, He already has provided the funds. For others, He wants to provide part or all of the money through other people. If you are one of those God is going to bless through showing His awesome provision in this way, here is some information about steps you can take to make your needs known.
There is a concept you must understand before you start. You are not just raising money, you are developing relationships. It is crucial that you focus on others, not yourself. Many people think their ministry begins when their plane touches down in the foreign country. They look at support raising as a hurdle to get across so they can do ministry.
NOTE! Your ministry has already started! Support raising is a part of your ministry! Focus on other people and your relationships with them. Prayer and financial support for your mission experience flow out of those relationships.
Biblical Basis for Raising Support
As you begin to seek God’s provision through support raising, remember the following concepts:
Jesus and His disciples were supported by others.
“And it came about after this, that He began going about from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the Kingdom of God; and the twelve were with Him… and many others were contributing to their support out of private means.” Luke 8:1-3
Paul was financially supported and accepted this support with enthusiasm because he was helping to store up treasures in heaven for those who supported him.
“Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. But I have received everything full, and have abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Apaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippines 4: 17-19
As Christians use their material possessions to further the works of Christ, God is glorified.
“For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgiving to God.” II Corinthians 9:12
Financial Information
“GOD’S WORK, DONE God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” Hudson Taylor, China Inland Mission
Participating in a cross-cultural, inter-faith mission trip will be one of the greatest adventures of your Christian life. You need to get ready and be prepared to meet God in a whole new way.
God has moved on your heart to participate in a mission trip, right? If so, then He already has plans on how He, Jehovah-Jireh, will meet your trip needs.
One of the fascinating aspects of taking a cross-cultural, inter-faith mission trip is the experience of raising financial support for the trip. It will be your privilege, as well as an incredible faith builder, to trust God for your funds, and witness His marvelous hand of provision.
Even as we expect to see God work on our behalf, we should realize we have certain responsibilities. Every team member is expected to cover a portion of his or her trip costs. There is no specific amount or percentage, but you must have a measurable amount of personal financial investment in your trip. Part of your support raising will come through writing a support letter to family, friends and associates. Your goal is to build a team around you who will want to help “send” you. Therefore, your team should be made up of people who know you. The team concept is extremely important.
You are really raising support in two key areas—prayer and financial. Do not weight one over the other—both are indispensable! Remember, you are asking people to be part of your team; they will benefit from the success of your trip as well. Their investment in you is also an investment in the mission and kingdom work to which God is calling you.
Those responding to your financial request should make all checks payable to Love Truth Care Ministries and designate on the memo line your name and the trip event for which it is intended. They should first send the contribution to you and you should record it. These gifts of support are tax deductible.
Each trip will have a required nonrefundable deposit. Any money turned in after the deposit and before any airline tickets are purchased can be refunded. After airline tickets are purchased they belong to you. If you have committed to a trip and a ticket is bought in your name and you have not turned in the appropriate funds you will be responsible to reimburse the ministry for the ticket price. Ticket funds can only be returned due to illness or death in family along with proper documentation.
Short Term Trip Funds Allocation
Tax deductible funds given through MDM Honduras can only be used for trip expenses as designated by team leader and Missions leadership.
Expenses and support raising questions will be explained in your team meetings.
Trip Expenses Paid by Tax Deductible (Support) Funds:
- Airfare (domestic and/or international)
- Hotel when applicable (domestic and/or international)
- Room & Board at ministry site
- Travel related expenses (i.e. domestic or international shuttles/taxi/gas)
- Team miscellaneous items (i.e. team manual, crafts, T-shirts, team projects)
- Travel visas when applicable
Personal Expenses Not Paid by Support Raised Funds:
- $100 non-refundable deposit (essential to securing a place on the team)
- Passport
- Medications (i.e. shots, malaria pills, personal medicines)
- Clothing
- Luggage
- Personal food supplies (snacks and drinks)
- Souvenirs
Excess Support Funds Will Be Held in the Team/Trip General Fund and Used For the Following Options:
(As determined by the team leader and Missions leadership)
- Another team member with insufficient funds
- Team/project needs (i.e. books, crafts, special gifts, training materials, tools, medicine, etc.)
- Ministry needs where team is serving
No Expenses Are Reimbursable (Except with prior approval)
No Funds Will Be Held Over For Future Trips (Except with prior approval)
Raising Support
Raising Support Checklist
Step 1 – Pray
Step 2 – Begin with your home church
Step 3 – Make a list of prospective team supporters
Step 4 – Record and prioritize your supporters
Step 5 – Mail letter
Step 6 – Make follow-up contacts (call or visit)
Step 7 – Keep track of support received
Step 8 – Send funding to MDM
Step 9 – Send note of thanks
Step 10 – Serve god on the campaign
Step 11 – Say thank you as you report the results
Step 12 – Say thank you with an inexpensive souvenir
Prospective Supporters
People you know to consider putting on your list:
Church friends
Current neighbors
School contacts
Christmas card list
Barber/ stylist
Insurance agents
Wedding list
Friends from other Churches
Former neighbors
Club and civic contacts
Mailing your letter
Two sample letters are enclosed. Don’t just copy them – personalize your letter and include the following:
- Be yourself. Put in your feelings and reactions
- Don’t worry about being clever, just be sure to be clear
- Describe your trip
- Tell them the burden you have
- Tell them your need – the cost of the trip and how much you are trusting God to provide through others
- Ask for prayer support
- Specifically ask them to do something, don’t make them read between the lines
- Tell them what to do if they decide to invest in your ministering experience
- If you plan to follow up personally, tell them what you plan to do. If you tell them something, DO IT. If you don’t they may wait for your call and you will not hear from them.
Helpful Hints
- Use the KISS system – Keep It Short & Simple
- Edit, re-edit, and have someone else edit it
- After you think it is ready, go through again and ask yourself what words you can take out and still get the meaning across. You want it short and to the point. You will be surprised how many words you can delete without changing the meaning.
Neatly type the letter, but add a personal handwritten note at the bottom. Many people do not read much of a typed letter, but will read the handwritten P.S.
Ask potential donors to make their checks out to MDM Honduras with your name and trip destination on the memo line, and then give or send their checks to you. This way you will know who has responded and you will be able to thank them immediately.
May 11, 2013
I am writing to let you know what is going on in my life. I am living in Little Rock, Arkansas and am currently a senior at UALR, majoring in Elementary Education. I will be graduating in May 2014. Currently I am praying about whether to use my teaching degree in American schools or in overseas mission schools.
I also want to tell you about an exciting opportunity I have this summer. I have been interested in doing mission work for several years and have previously pursued that by spending two weeks at an orphanage in Mexico. Because of my time in Mexico and my ability to speak some Spanish, I have become very interested in Central and South America. I recently learned about an opportunity to go to Honduras to work with two ministries in and near the capital city of Tegucigalpa. MDM Honduras provides scholarships and an after school program to children from the mountain village of San Matias. Rescue Mission Honduras offers the gospel, rehabilitation and votech training to young people trapped in the violent cycle of gang life.
I believe God has called me to join the mission team going to Honduras on July 31st and returning August 7th. I will be part of a construction team building a school in San Matias and clearing land for a permanent facility for Rescue Mission Honduras.
I am asking for your help in two areas. One, that you will be part of my prayer support team. However good our intentions, I believe that without fervent prayer our efforts may be good but have no eternal value. Also, the team needs prayer cover for safety and traveling mercies. It is always stressful to step into a new culture and we want to be good ambassadors for Christ.
Second, I ask that your prayerfully consider joining my support team. I need to raise $1,500 for expenses. I am seeking families and individuals who can donate $25, $50, $100 or more to cover the cost of the trip. Gifts are tax deductible and should be made payable to MDM Honduras with my name and “Honduras April 2014” on the memo line. I have included a self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience, and will forward all contributions to MDM Honduras, who will issue a tax receipt for your records.
I will follow-up with a call or visit in a few weeks after you have had time to pray. Please consider investing in the lives of the children and youth of Honduras who need to hear and see the gospel in action. Thank you for your prayers and support.
In Christ,
Your Name
May 11, 2013
Tom & Susie Friends
123 Main Street
Little Rock, AR 72212
Dear Tom & Susie,
I am writing to share some exciting news with you. I have been approved to go to Honduras this summer for a short-term mission trip with MDM Honduras. As you probably know, I did a similar trip last year as part of a medical/surgical team, and it was a life-changing experience for me. Our God can take one mission team and in eight days provide new life and hope to the poor and destitute of the second poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
Our team will work at Hospital Escuela, the 1800 bed teaching hospital run by the Medical School and government in the capital city of Tegucigalpa. I wish I could convey what it is like to see a child who has suffered the deformity of a cleft palate all his life and then see the joy it brings to him and his family to see the difference reconstructive surgery can make. A little one who had no hope now has a chance for a normal life.
Our trip dates are July 31 through August 7 of this year. I am writing to ask you to join my prayer support team and also to prayerfully consider joining my financial support team. I need to raise approximately $1,500 for the trip and, if the Lord so leads you, I am asking you to contribute whatever amount He places in your heart.
Please make all checks payable to MDM Honduras with my name and “Honduras April 2014” on the memo line. I have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope, and will forward your gift to MDM Honduras, who will issue a tax receipt for your records.
As part of the prayer team, please pray for protection for the team and grace in adjusting to a very different culture. I will give you a call in a few weeks to follow-up and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for considering being a part of this tremendously exciting ministry with me.
In Christ,
Your Name