Can Sponsoring A Child Really Transform A Mountain?
Last June, the Lord provided a film crew from The Journey Church in St Louis to shoot and produce a short documentary about the MDM Honduras Story. As the film came to life, it was clear the very heart of the story was the support, prayers and commitment of YOU, our Education Program Sponsors.
So, I wanted you to be among the first to see the finished product and experience the fruit of your investment in a child’s life! The film is unmistakable evidence of how you have empowered the children, their parents, and their villages, to be part of the transformation God is doing as they serve their community for Christ.
MDM Honduras Story
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this story – and every time I stand amazed and humbled at how for 20 years God has allowed Ouida and I to join Him in His work among the villages and the people throughout the San Matias area.
If you have ever been a ministry partner with Love Truth Care Ministries, Operation New Life or Project Latin America / Men’s Fraternity, you have also been part of God’s plan for the mountain. If you have not experienced the absolute joy of sponsoring a child, we have several new kids that need sponsors. Will you visit our sponsorship portal now and join us?
Please take a look:
If you wish to learn more about the MDM Honduras Story, there are several places to explore on our website. Our Newsletter Page contains a number of recent newsletter features that dive a little deeper into our overall strategy and our educational program. Plus, our Video Page contains several more videos that tell stories about our work in Economic Development and Community Health.
I was on the four-person team with Brenda W. in 2015. What a wonderful experience! Since then I’ve been honored to be able to contribute to the scholarship fund to allow the students to attend higher education. The children and the people in the village were such fun and a delight to get to know. I was so thankful for the experience and I feel I have an ongoing relationship with the MDM.